Monday, May 27, 2024

20th century North American abstraction

Some of the protagonists of post-war North American abstraction do not share the gestural character of abstract expressionism and opt for the development of geometric languages, especially German artists who emigrated to the United States of America in the 1930s. Among them, Josef Albers stands out. (1888 – 1976), former Bauhaus professor who always remained faithful to the constructive spirit of this prestigious school that reconciled geometric clarity with more expressive abstract forms.

Josef Albers
Color study for a "Variant/Adobe"
Oil on absorbent paper
© 2020 Josef and Anni Albers Foundation/ARS, NY

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Oil on cardboard 1959 
49cm x 42cm

Manuel Pereira da Silva (1920 – 2003) was a Portuguese artist whose work, although predominantly known in the field of sculpture, also includes an important series of abstract paintings that began to be developed in 1958. These paintings are characterized by the use of rectilinear geometric shapes , such as rectangles and squares, and the application of primary colors. 

Manuel Pereira da Silva's creative process is notable for its meticulous and detailed approach. Before executing his final paintings, the artist devoted considerable time to the preparation phase. This phase involved the production of a series of detailed studies and color schemes that helped to crystallize the initial idea. These preparatory studies allowed him to plan each aspect of the painting with precision. Thus, although the execution of the final painting could only take a few hours, the preparatory work was extensive and in-depth, reflecting the importance he attached to the planning and conception of the work.

Manuel Pereira da Silva's exhibitions frequently highlighted this aspect of his creative process, presenting not only the final paintings, but also the preparatory drawings and color studies. This gave the audience a complete view of how his ideas evolved from initial conception to final realization. 

In addition to paintings, Manuel Pereira da Silva used paper in a significant way. Paper allowed for a more informal and experimental approach, a contrast to the meticulous precision of his final works. In this medium, he could freely explore variations in color and shape, allowing for a spontaneity that complemented his rigorous working method. Thus, paper served as a space for experimentation and development of ideas, a place where creativity could flow more freely and less contained.

Therefore, while sculpture can be seen as Manuel Pereira da Silva's main field of activity, his abstract paintings and the preparatory processes that preceded them reveal a fundamental aspect of his artistic work, marked by the duality between rigorous planning and spontaneous experimentation.

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Oil on cardboard 1959 
49cm x 42cm

The emotional language of Mark Rothko (1903 – 1970), an emigrant from Latvia, is also detached from the gestural burden. In order to stimulate deep emotions in the viewer, the painter organizes his paintings based on color fields of vibrant rectangular shapes that seem to float over an indeterminate space. Its colorful rectangles seemed to dematerialize into pure light.

Mark Rothko
Oil on canvas
142cm x 121cm
Anita Rogers Gallery

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Oil on platex 
148cm x 129cm

After experimenting with abstract expressionism and surrealism, he developed, in the late 1940s, a new way of painting. Hostile to the expressionism of Action Painting, Mark Rothko (as well as Barnett Newman and Clyfford Still) invents a meditative way of painting, which critic Clement Greenberg defined as Colorfield Painting.

Mark Rothko
Acrylic on watercolor paper mounted on linen
Private collection, New York. Copyright © 2023 Kate Rothko Prizel and Christopher Rothko

Willem de Kooning (1904 – 1997), one of the creators of North American abstract expressionism, represents an image of life and death, which contrasts with the idyllic world of Eden. The gestural, transcendental and moral composition explores bodily distortion and introduces the symbolism of the crucifixion with a violent dissection of the symbolic attributes of Golgotha: the nails of the cross, the ladder and the skull.

Willem de Kooning
Oil and oleoresin on cardboard. 41 x 49 cm
Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum, Madrid

Pablo Picasso

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Mixed technique on cardboard
34cm x 25cm

Manuel Pereira da Silva, like many artists from the Porto School, maintained a strong connection with the tradition of the sublime through abstraction. His artistic approach, innovative for the time, separated himself from the literal representation of nature, focusing on expressing personal emotions and visual poetics through an abstract aesthetic language.

The works of Manuel Pereira da Silva, like those of his abstractionist colleagues, did not seek to describe the natural world in a direct way. Instead, the shapes in his paintings and sculptures could suggest elements of nature – such as parts of the human body, landscapes or interiors – without the intention of representing them faithfully. Abstraction served as a means to communicate the emotions and subjective visions of artists, going beyond the mere imitation of the visible world.

A significant example of this approach can be seen in Manuel Pereira da Silva's crucifixion series. In this series, geometric shapes and abstract compositions are used to evoke feelings and reflections on suffering, pain and transcendence, themes traditionally associated with crucifixion. The works are not about representing the figure of Christ or the literal scene of the crucifixion, but rather about expressing the intense emotions and human experience associated with the event.

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Pen on paper
Dim. 33cm x 59cm

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Pen on paper
Dim. 50cm x 65cm

In this way, Manuel Pereira da Silva and his contemporaries from the Porto School explored the capacity of abstract art to communicate in a deep and subjective way. His bold works, by avoiding direct representation, allowed the viewer to connect with the artists' emotions and inner experiences, making abstraction a powerful vehicle for expressing the sublime.

Composition of Women is one of the earliest works in Willem de Kooning's long sequence of paintings of women, which culminated in one of the most aggressive revisions of the female figure in art history. Beginning as a study for a commissioned portrait that the artist never completed, the portrait served as a vehicle for de Kooning to explore his ongoing interest in merging figurative themes with the painterly concerns of abstraction. Although the intentional anatomical distortions reflect the influence of Pablo Picasso, the seated figure also recalls the sensuous women painted by 19th-century French artist Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, with their tight bodices and delicate features.

Willem de Kooning (1904 – 1997)
Seated Woman
Oil and Coal in Masonite
Dimensions: 137 cm × 91 cm
Albert M. Greenfield and Elizabeth M. Greenfield Collection, 1974

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Seated Woman
Gouache and Charcoal on cardboard 
40cm x 53cm

In 1938 he began his series entitled Mulheres, which caused a sensation in the artistic circuit, with a theme that would become recurrent in his production.[5] In the 1940s he joined a group of artists, including Jackson Pollock, Franz Kline, Robert Motherwell, Adolph Gottlieb, Ad Reinhardt, Barnett Newman and Mark Rothko, who would form the so-called New York School. They struggled to find a personal path that surpassed the major currents of the time, such as cubism, surrealism and regionalism. His emotive gestures and abstract pieces were the result of his attempt to distance himself from other movements. The style they pioneered became known as abstract expressionism or action painting.

Willem de Kooning 
Seated Woman
bronze, 113 x 147 x 94 inches
Private collection
Photograph by Adam Bartos

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Seated Woman
Plaster on aluminum structure
54cm x 68cm x 41cm

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Seated Woman
Gouache and Charcoal on cardboard 
41cm x 65cm

Manuel Pereira da Silva shares with Willem de Kooning a deep interest in the female figure and in the integration of figurative themes with abstract concerns. In his works, Manuel Pereira da Silva frequently explores themes such as sitting women, reclining women, motherhood, family and couples. Although the figures in his works are often almost completely dissolved into abstraction, there is a constant presence of noticeable figurative references, indicating an unbreakable connection with the representation of the human.

De Kooning, in turn, began his famous sequence of paintings of women with "Woman I," which is considered one of the most aggressive revisions of the female figure in art history. This series began as a study for a commissioned portrait that was never completed, serving as a vehicle to explore the fusion of figurative themes with abstraction. Its intentional anatomical distortions reflect the influence of Pablo Picasso, while the female figures also evoke the sensuous women of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, with their tight bodices and delicate features.

Pablo Picasso
Seated Woman

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Seated Woman
Plaster on aluminum structure
14 cm x 23 cm x 45 cm

Manuel Pereira da Silva, despite his main focus on sculpture, also maintained a significant production of paintings and drawings in which the female body is a recurring theme. Like de Kooning, his female representations are not realistic portraits, but rather interpretations that combine figuration with abstract elements. This approach allows for a freer expression of the artist's emotions and visual poetics, moving away from mere literal representation and entering the realm of suggestion and evocation.

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Seated Woman
Gouache and Charcoal on cardboard 
40cm x 53cm

Therefore, while De Kooning is known for his more aggressive and expressive approaches to the female figure, Manuel Pereira da Silva explores these themes in such a way that the figures, even almost dissolved in abstraction, maintain a perceptible reference, revealing their deep connection with figuration and human themes.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

P55.Art – The Art Platform - ID 14730381


P55.Art – The Art Platform - ID 14730381
Manuel Pereira da Silva (1920-2003)
Ballpoint on paper
Signed and dated 1988
Dim.: 30 cm x 43 cm

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

20th century Post-war European figuration

During the central years of the 20th century, European art underwent a significant transformation. Although followers of European informalisms emphasized texture and irregularity, new figurative languages ​​emerged that configured an image of contemporary man through new standards of expressive freedom.

Lucian Freud and Henry Moore

For the British, the human being became a central theme. Lucian Freud, for example, stood out for his intensely realistic and detailed representations of the human body. His paintings captured the vulnerability and physicality of the human figure, revealing both the beauty and imperfections of the body. Henry Moore, on the other hand, explored the human form through his monumental and abstract sculptures, which often referred to organic and primordial forms. Moore's works combined the figurative with a plastic language that brought abstraction closer to matter, resulting in an innovative and expressive synthesis.

Manuel Pereira da Silva

In Portugal, Manuel Pereira da Silva followed this trend. His work combined the figurative with a plastic language close to the abstraction of matter, creating a bridge between human representation and the abstract exploration of materials. His sculptures captured the essence of the human form while exploring new possibilities for plastic expression.

Lucian Freud
Portrait of a Man (Baron H.H. Thyssen-Bornemisza)
1981 - 1982
Oil on canvas. 51 x 40 cm
Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Retrato do pintor Reis Teixeira
Óleo sobre tela, 54 x 42 cm

Henry Moore
Duas Mães com os filhos nos braços
Esferográfica, lápis e aguarela em papel. 38 x 56.4 cm
Museu Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Mãe com o filho nos braços
Aguarela sobre cartolina, 29 x 39 cm

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Mães com os filhos nos braços
Óleo sobre cartolina, 50 x 32 cm

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Mulher com criança nos braços
Gesso sobre estrutura de alumínio, 31 x 32 x 55 cm

Francis Bacon and Alberto Giacometti

Other artists of this period were marked by a feeling of pessimism and anxiety, caused by the crises of the two world wars. These artists imposed a new sense of alienation from the body, representing it in distorted and injured ways. Francis Bacon, for example, is known for his depictions of inhuman and disturbing figures, who appear trapped in a state of perpetual suffering. His works reflect a dark and hopeless view of the human condition.

Alberto Giacometti, in turn, portrayed the human body in a disintegrated manner, with his evanescent and long figures that seem on the verge of dissolution. His slender and fragile sculptures capture a deep feeling of alienation and hopelessness, symbolizing the fragility of human existence in the face of the crises of the 20th century.

Alberto Giacometti
Nu reclinado visto de trás
Tinta-da-china sobre papel. 26 x 37 cm
Museu Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Mulher reclinada
Óleo sobre tela, 63 x 84 cm

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Mulher reclinada
Gesso, 70 x 52 x 37 cm

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Mulher reclinada
Esferográfica sobre cartolina, 50 x 65 cm

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Mulher reclinada
Esferográfica sobre cartolina, 50 x 65 cm

Manuel Pereira da Silva
Mulher reclinada
Esferográfica sobre cartolina, 50 x 65 cm

Post-war European figurative art is marked by a search for new forms of expression that capture the human condition in its fullness. Artists such as Lucian Freud, Henry Moore, Manuel Pereira da Silva, Francis Bacon and Alberto Giacometti exemplify the diverse approaches and sensibilities of this period. While some sought a synthesis between figurative and abstraction, others explored alienation and human suffering, reflecting the complexities and uncertainties of the post-war era.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

P55 – The Art Platform - ID 14287594


P55 – The Art Platform - ID 14287594
Manuel Pereira da Silva (1920-2003)
Ballpoint on paper
Signed and dated 1977
Dim.: 50 cm x 65 cm

Saturday, March 09, 2024

P55.Art – The Art Platform – ID 14129423


P55.Art – The Art Platform – ID 14129423
Manuel Pereira da Silva (1920-2003)
Ballpoint on paper
Dim.: 21 cm x 30 cm

Sunday, February 25, 2024

P55.Art – The Art Platform – ID 14028592


P55.Art – The Art Platform – ID 14028592
Manuel Pereira da Silva (1920-2003)
Ballpoint on paper
Dim.: 21 cm x 30 cm

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Abstract Sculpture at Sculptures and Works of Art - Art Auction nº3333 / Lot 4 at Artbid


Artbid – Auction nº3333 / Lot 4 - Sculptures and Works of Art
Plaster on aluminum structure
Signed and dated 1960
Dim.: 163 cm x 63 cm x 40 cm
This work was part of the Exhibition “Envolvências…” by Manuel Pereira da Silva, held from March 12 to April 23, 2011, at the Casa-Museu Teixeira Lopes/Galeria Diogo Macedo.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

P55.Art – The Art Platform – ID 13756409


P55.Art – The Art Platform – ID 13756409
Manuel Pereira da Silva (1920-2003)
Ballpoint on paper
Dim.: 21 cm x 30 cm

Monday, January 01, 2024

P55.Art – The Art Platform - ID 13562949


P55.Art – The Art Platform - ID 13562949
Manuel Pereira da Silva (1920-2003)
Ballpoint on paper
Signed and dated 1975
Dim.: 30 cm x 43 cm

Saturday, December 30, 2023

P55 – The Art Platform - ID 13653146


P55 – The Art Platform - ID 13653146
Manuel Pereira da Silva (1920-2003)
Ballpoint on paper
Signed and dated 1991
Dim.: 50 cm x 65 cm